With the warmer weather approaching, you will start to notice a flurry of activity from all the tweeties in the area. The scenes of courting and mating will resemble an episode of love island. Once all this courting and mating has taken place, the nest needs to be built and what better place than your roof to ensure comfort and safety for the little ones.
Now while all of this sounds rather sweet and idyllic, as soon as the nest is built and the offspring are present the sounds in the roof could drive you up the wall, and then the inevitable bird lice occur. Smaller than a pin prick they will drop down into the rooms and start causing havoc with biting and itching.
If you are concerned about the potential of this happening, bird proofing – involving the placement of galvanised mesh between gutters and roof tiles or sheets – is the best way to prevent them accessing the home. If they are already setting up home, removal of the nests and spraying of the roof, and closing off the gaps is crucial. Remember birds are habitual so if they love your particular address, it will take a lot to deter them from constantly trying to gain entry.